Why is it important to have more than one strategy in mind when pursuing global expansion?

Deborah enters your office, and you notice that she looks apprehensive. “Hi, Deborah. What’s up?” you ask, hoping that nothing is wrong.

“Well, your team is doing an excellent job researching, and you’ve been keeping me up-to-date on your findings. My concern is that we are approaching this from a narrow-minded approach.”

“How so?” You ask. You are puzzled. “Our team has been looking at every aspect of the company and considering both internal and external pros and cons.”

“Have you considered partnerships or an acquisition or other options for expanding our brand?” Deborah asks. “I didn’t see that as an option in any of your reports. I think you really need to cover our bases here. Please report back to me next week with more options.”

You decide that Deborah has brought up another good point that should have been discussed in the beginning of the project. You make a note to add this to a list of project management ideas to help make future projects go smoother.

Complete the following:

What other strategies would be a good fit for your company profile?
Provide a brief overview of these strategies.
Why is it important to have more than one strategy in mind when pursuing global expansion?


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