ISB PGP Pro Admission Essay

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ISB PGP Pro Admission Essay

Leadership plays a crucial role in growth and success at individual and organizational levels. For this reason, I believe that the decision to enroll in the Post Graduate Program (Pro) offered by your institution is greatly inspired by my virtue as a leader. The Indian School of Business (ISB) has an impressive in image in the business world given the broad range of opportunities it offers students seeking career growth. The primary reason for my interest in this program is the opportunity to develop strategic business and leadership skills which will be vital in the furtherance of my career. Fortunately, ISB will allow me to cooperate with highly proficient professors from one of the best business schools in the globe.

Growth and Success are the two elements that I earnestly seek in my professional life. So far, I have made some significant industrial strides which are bound to improve my learning outcomes once I enroll in the program. My project management role at IBM has offered me the privilege of consulting corporate clients such as Airtel India, National Grid, Citi Group, Abbott, NBN, and Vodafone on resource management and problem-solving. Working with these clients, particularly National Grid boosted my leadership and communication skills as I was coordinating with senior stakeholders to release the system. If given the opportunity to enroll in ISB’s multicultural student network, I will engage broad-minded individuals from diverse geographic and cultural backgrounds in high-value projects. My success with a team of 26 members at National Grid will allow me to cooperate effectively with fellow ISB enrollees. 

ISB’s PGP Pro will play a pivotal role in my professional life. I believe that the program’s intense focus on business leadership will allow me to obtain fundamental business attributes and integrate them with the Information Technology (IT) skills I possess to resume my entrepreneurial journey. This kind of progress is quite necessary because I had started a venture which failed due to limited understanding of the business realm (emphasis on overall organizational management). Apart from the personal advantages, I am bound to gain from ISB’s PGP Pro, I will utilize my knowledge of emergent IT concepts such as Big Data, IoT, and data science to transform my country.


Indian School of Business (ISB). (2020). PGP Pro. Retrieved from

My Major Register Nurse

Write a description of a current topic or development (IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS) in your field and an explanation of its significance. Audience: Students new to your major who have a curiosity or research interest in this particular topic but no prior specialized knowledge of the topic; Instructor Length: at least 2 to 3 pages, not counting references page. There are two basic tasks to fulfill in this paper: -to describe this topic or development as clearly and concisely; in other words, to educate your audience about this topic as thoroughly as possible given the space constraints. – to make a compelling, specific, and explicit case explaining obvious and not-so-obvious reasons this development is important to the world outside your major. You will receive a provisional grade on this paper. If you choose to revise the paper, that provisional grade will be entirely replaced by the final grade. Please see your syllabus for more information about this paper. Use MLA format.

Transportation (Design of a roundabout)

Our group split the work to be done on the report per individual. For my part of the report, i will be working on
A. Important information about the roundabout being studied (1 page)
– Location
– Connecting highways
– Purpose of constructing the project
– Budget
– Start of operation (partial and full)
B. Problem/Reason why this has become an important topic (1 page)
C. Introduction of MAYA engineering (check LOI) (1 page)
– Objectives

The total pages under the introduction should be no more than 3 pages

For part A of the introduction please refer to the document i\’ll attach titled \”MAYA-Engineering-Inc-Report-updated.pdf\” under section II part 2.3 Project overview. Feel free to also use the references listed at the bottom of the report for any further guidance.
A side note for the budget, you do not have to come up with a new one. Refer to budget that was used to design the existing roundabout.

For part B, use the reference below, it was a major part of the reason we decided to go with a redesign of the round about. Please free to look at other references in relation to this news article.

For part C, refer to the letter of interest document (LOI) which will also be attached below and also the PDF report titled \”MAYA-Engineering-Inc-Report-updated.pdf\”

The last section of the report i will working is the Conclusion which requires stating the
– Importance of roundabout (1/2 page max)
– And justifying why this roundabout is an integral part of the city of Windsor’s transportation system (1 page max)

To assist you with this section please refer to the letter of interest (LOI) and the report

The roundabout being discussed in this project is located in the city of Windsor, ON Canada. It connects highway 3, highway 401, highway 9 and Huronchurch

Communication Plan

Using your completed strategic action plan, create a 500-750 word communication plan for disseminating your action plan to all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use formal and informal communication channels to implement the plan.

In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your strategic goal. What leadership or managerial skills will you draw upon in implementing this plan?

Discussion 8 finc

Read the article: “Reality Retirement Planning: A New Paradigm for an Old Science.” by Ty Bernicke. Follow instructions for posting answers to discussion questions regarding the article.

Critically assess one or more of the key statements or main theses of the author. Research a \”Scholarly (peer reviewed) Journal\” article that supports your position or argument. Cite your sources using MLA style. At the bottom of your first posting, include a list of works cited in MLA format.

For the scholary journal article please use an article I can access online.


Read this article, please:

Please post three-hundred words. analyze the first chapter of 1984 to explain how the story relates to current concerns about privacy and civil rights, what do we learn? How is your nation either submitting to similar public and private restrictions or working to prevent their circumvention? Please present specific examples to support your opinions.

please, watch this movie:

please, do not copy from anywhere; just write your opinion and what you understand.

Applied Analytic Methods

Here is the description: Tables with Reservations – Because there is such a wide variety of things to be learned in statistics and research methods, these exercises give you an opportunity to put into practice some of the concepts that you are learning in these courses. Following class discussion of these tables, you will be asked to write up our observations of how useful (or not) these tables are.
1 paragraph per study

Week 8 Discussion 18

Define affirmative action and describe the two views: reverse discrimination/racism and undoing discrimination/racism. How effective have affirmative action policies been for African Americans? For women? (Use evidence from your text to answer this question). Based upon the information presented in the text See attachment from Farley, John. E.2012. Majority-Minority Relations, 6th edition) should affirmative action policies be abolished or continued? Why? Are there other alternatives to equal opportunity? Support your answer. I don\’t want biases, personal anecdotes, or simplistic thinking here. In order to earn full credit in this post, you will need to show thorough knowledge of the arguments made in the Farley text.


Read this article, please:

Please post three-hundred words. analyze the first chapter of 1984 to explain how the story relates to current concerns about privacy and civil rights, what do we learn? How is your nation either submitting to similar public and private restrictions or working to prevent their circumvention? Please present specific examples to support your opinions.

please, watch this movie:

please, do not copy from anywhere; just write your opinion and what you understand.


Read this article, please:

Please post three-hundred words. analyze the first chapter of 1984 to explain how the story relates to current concerns about privacy and civil rights, what do we learn? How is your nation either submitting to similar public and private restrictions or working to prevent their circumvention? Please present specific examples to support your opinions.

please, watch this movie:

please, do not copy from anywhere; just write your opinion and what you understand.