Paper details:
You should write a free response essay which I have attached the format for the essay and how you can write a free respond essay . you should support your answer by given examples. do not cite much of words. you should answer the following questions in the essay .
Q1) Some say oil is the excrement of the devil , oil is black blood, oil is the blood of the dinosaur, oil is the blood of the earth however, most would agree that oil is the blood stream of the world economy. Debate this notion?
Q2) Discuss how we are moving from an era of cheap abundant energy to an era of scarce hard to get expensive energy ?
Q3)Why are oil exporting nations interested in keeping the world dependent on oil as long as possible?
Q4) Increased unemployment, poverty, bankruptcy, starvation their are all kinds of things that happen when a society collapses, we are entering a new world of unbelievable oil shortages and its only a few years away. Discuss how this will affect your life.
Q5) Describe how oil is not like wheat, we are not growing it every year. The great bulk of the worlds oil was formed in two very brief epochs, in periods of extreme global warming 90 and 150 years ago. when the organic material was buried to a depth of 2000 m a chemical reaction converted it into oil. formed once, briefly over 4B years geological time
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