Who made this invention and where and when did it happen?

Introduction You will introduce your choice and indicate why you chose it. Body 1 • Who made this invention and where and when did it happen? • What was invented before this? • How was it made and what difficulties were faced in the design/invention process? • How were these difficulties overcome? Body 2 • How did this invention revolutionize its area? • How does it makes things better, easier, possible? • How has it changed since it was invented? • How is the latest version better than the original? Body 3 • How has this invention changed your life? • How would your life be different if it had not been invented? • Why did you choose to write about this invention? Please write more detail here to justify your choice. Conclusion: Here you should conclude on your topic and briefly reiterate why this invention is So important.
3 pages Deadline: 27.10.2015, 11 am
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