Article: Power Is the Great Motivator
This article, from the Harvard Business Review, describes the different ways managers may be motivated and how these motivations align with an organization’s goals. This article supplements the textbook reading for this module. As you read the article, consider the following:
What are the motivational factors for a manager from a personal and organizational level?
What motivational techniques can a manager use to manage and lead?
Consider which of the three motivational categories you might fall into.
Video: The Puzzle of Motivation
This TED Talk by Dan Pink challenges the traditional system of rewards and incentives and offers a different viewpoint that managers should consider related to intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. This video supplements the textbook reading for this module.
Next, imagine that you are a manager of a start-up company with limited cash and resources. In your initial post, describe the types of motivators that you might employ as you develop your culture and attract good talent to your company. Explain why you have selected these motivators.
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