What kind of 85-year old do you want to be?

This essay assignment (3-4 pages) encourages you to consider factors that may affect your experience of aging. You will write an essay that answers the question: What kind of 85-year old do you want to be? You will be using material from class lectures and the textbook. This exercise assesses critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and inter-relations among disciplines. The essay require to use three of theis five factors (physically, social, psychological, culture/ethinc, economic and environmental). You might also wish to consider an individual who might serve as your role model-positive or negative- as you ponder this self portrait. Please consider using the chapters (1 to 17) of this book as a source to support the paper: Hooyman, N. R., & Kiyak, H. A. (2010). Social Gerontology, (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN-10: 0-205-76835-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-205-76313-9. you can add more sources as long as you site them (no wikipedia please). thank you
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