This is the basic accepted style for reporting experimental data in the chemical literature.
The J. Organic Chemistry is a solid journal respected for its integrity in publishing good data in a
standard format. The basic structure is:
Abstract (< 150 words, use past tense)
A. Introduction
B. Results and Discussion
C. Conclusions
D. Experimental
E. References
The introduction orients the reader. Why is this an important experiment, or an important
reaction? Why should I be interested? What is the impact in the larger context of organic
The Results and Discussion section discusses your results. You should describe and analyze what
happened, provide the product structures and give their assignments based on your NMR data.
You can also bring in any supporting data from the chemical literature or other sources (Aldrich
catalog, your Organic textbook), referenced appropriately. You should use Schemes to illustrate
reactions and reaction mechanisms and/or Figures to show apparatus.
The results and discussion section could be broken down into subheadings of your choosing.
The conclusion is self-explanatory.
The Experimental section includes the detailed procedure, written up in a formal way. The basic
idea is to be concise and be sure someone else could follow what you did. The experimental

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