What is the best recommended course of action for the client at this time, and why?

Part I End-of-Life Decisions

Prior to completing this discussion, please read the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010) and Fact Sheet on End-of-Life Care (2014), as well as the Block, S. D., et al. (2006), Kwak, J., & Haley, W. E. (2005), and Torbic (2011) articles required for this week. You will also be required to find two additional peer-reviewed sources to support developmental psychology concepts and theory and apply them to this topic within the provided end-of-life case scenarios.
You are working as the social worker at an area hospital dealing primarily with end-of-life decisions and palliative care. For this discussion, you will be reviewing the PSY605 End-of-Life Case Scenarios document and making recommendations based on the information provided in the scenarios.

All end-of-life choices and medical decisions have complex psychosocial components, ramifications, and consequences that have a significant impact on suffering and the quality of living and dying. The issues involved in this process of decision making are based on issues of developmental stage, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, health, family, and physical, cognitive, and psychosocial states. For your initial post, you will apply concepts from developmental psychology to create your recommended courses of action for both Roger and Geri. Carefully review the PSY605 End-of-Life Case Scenarios document and then research at least one peer-reviewed article published within the last 10 years in the Ashford University Library for each of the scenarios.

For each scenario, explain human development in the context of the situation described using research to support your responses. Create a recommended course of action for each of the two scenarios by addressing the following questions:

What is the best recommended course of action for the client at this time, and why?

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