.”What is bandwidth?”

Deadline: 2015-11-06 3:08 PM
Time left: 1 day 15h 19m

Status : available

Number of pages: 1
Cost per page: $5.00
Total: $5.00
Created: 2015-11-04 11:00 PM Level: College Grade: Guaranteed 2:1 Standard (Normal Charge);
Pages: 1 Style: APA Country: [USA (GMT -5)]
Sources: 1 Language Style: English (U.S.)
Project description
1. Let’s figure out what kind of networking equipment an organization would need to buy. You can make assumptions on size and budget. What do we need to purchase? Why do we need to purchase it? That is, what will it do for us? How do we hook them together? That is, how do we cable them (or not cable them) together? Why is there such a big difference in price with the brands? How do network topologies figure into our selections and designs?

2.Networking Hardware and Topologies – Hubs were used frequently in the 1980s. Why dont we incorporate hubs into our networks as much anymore? Can you name some additional network devices that have become obsolete? Why is that the case?

3.”What is bandwidth?” In computer networks, bandwidth is often used as a synonym for data transfer rate – the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period, usually expressed in bits (of data) per second (bps). In real life, we want more bandwidth so we can transmit more data. As class we can discuss how to optimize the Hub bandwidth; are there any security risk with using Hubs?


1. The lecture covers several standards. Which ones are most common? Which ones are more or less obsolete? What can you find out about the future of transmission and media types? What is happening with 10 Gbps? What about 100 Gbps?

2. List some transmission media in use today. What environmental factors would you commonly take into account when choosing which media to implement in a given situation? Making assumptions is just fine. Go with it!

3.There are many desirable properties of optical fibers for carrying information. They have enormous information-carrying capacity (Fiber optics carry more bandwidth than traditional metal), are low cost, and possess immunity from the many disturbances that can afflict electrical wires and wireless communication links. Is the need for increased bandwidth pushing the fiber-optic into optical networking?
Added on 04.11.2015 15:13
Please answer these question as a disscussion question. Here is an example of how I want it done.

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