What are some of the legal issues you would have to deal with as a company if you decide to expand there?

Secretary: Research and write on the following issues:

What are some of the legal issues you would have to deal with as a company if you decide to expand there?
What sort of international orientation would you consider?
What are some of the opportunities and strengths of doing business there?
What are some of the cross-cultural issues you are going to have to deal with?
What are some of the protocols and etiquette issues you must incorporate into your business behavior?
How are you going to deal with management issues such as assertiveness, conflict resolution, and team building?

Treasurer: Research and write on the following issues:

What are some of the foreign trade issues you will have to deal with?
What are the determinants to foreign entry there, and how would you enter there?
You will be embarking on the international negotiation.
What are the 5 stages of negotiation, and how are you going to prepare for them?
What cultural differences do you need to be sensitive to in the process?
What would be some of the political, legal, economic, and ideological issues that may come up?
How would you manage conflict if it should come up in the negotiations?
What decision-making process would work better with the different cultures?

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