Discuss how a constructed wetland system works to treat municipal wastewater. What advantages does a constructed wetland system have over conventional sewage treatment?
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Discuss how a constructed wetland system works to treat municipal wastewater. What advantages does a constructed wetland system have over conventional sewage treatment?
Your response must be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced;
Submitted by Prof.Omondi on Sat, 2015-11-07 12:57
teacher rated 2 times
price: $15.00
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xxxxxxx how x constructed wetland system xxxxx to treat municipal wastewater. What xxxxxxxxxx xxxx x xxxxxxxxxxx wetland system xxxx over conventional xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
Physical, chemical, and xxxxxxxxxx processes xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx wastewater. xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx of these xxxxxxxxx is fundamental xxx only xx designing wetland systems but to understanding xxx fate xx chemicals xxxx they enter xxx xxxxxxxx
Theoretically, wastewater xxxxxxxxx within x xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx as xx passes through xxx wetland xxxxxx xxx the xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x thin film xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx is aerobic due to the xxxxxxx of oxygen xxxx the xxxxxxxxx roots, xxx rootlets.
Aerobic and xxxxxxxxx micro-organisms xxxxxxxxxx decomposition xx organic matter. Microbial xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx denitrification releases xxxxxxxx as xxx xx the xxxxxxxxxxx Phosphorus is coprecipitated with xxxxx xxxxxxxxx and calcium xxxxxxxxx located in xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Suspended solids filter
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