What additional material might you need?

you have to use the annotated bibliography sources i did to do this paper it ,Research-based Argument essay (2,500 words minimum) Must conform to APA manuscript and citation guidelines.
An argument aimed at persuading a specific, target audience to action (See Chapter 10) must be made.
Refer to Concept Close-Up: Audience Analysis, Key Questions for Preparing to Write : What do you want your readers to do?
Who are your readers? Describe them as specifically as you can.
What about them will be relevant to your argument? Consider age, religion, income bracket, occupation, political orientation, education, and gender.
Reader awareness is important. How much will they know about the problem, question, or issue you intend to address? What is their likely attitude?
Why do you care about this topic? What makes you a credible writer on behalf of your position?
What is the best reason you can give your readers for doing what you want them to do? State it as a sentence. Do you have a second reason in mind?
What additional ideas do you have for appealing to your readers? What values an beliefs can you appeal to?
What sources have you found to support your argument? What additional material might you need?
and Revision Checklist for Appealing for Action (p. 257) as you work on this essay.
At least 8 scholarly sources (i.e. academic peer reviewed journal articles, books, etc.) must be used as evidence to support the claim made in your essay.
If necessary, you are permitted to use non-scholarly sources in this essay; however, these types of sources (i.e. internet sources found through web searches, popular periodicals, videos, etc.) do not count towards the minimim requirement of 8 scholarly sources.
Material from scholarly sources should be summarized/paraphrased and directly quoted in the short research-based argument essay.
Remember, always keep the author and year of publication side by side in APA style writing; make sure your signal verbs are in the correct tense.
Use the APA Basics handout to help you

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