Was the American Revolutionary War justified from the standpoint of the colonists?

1. Discuss what you deem the TEN most important developments, events and/or episodes discussed in the chapter. You must explain why each of the TEN merits your consideration.

Question #2:

1. What information in the chapter interested you most; interested you least? Explain your response.

Question #3:

1. Was the American Revolutionary War justified from the standpoint of the colonists?

Question #4:

1. Should Africans, enslaved or free, had fought in the American Revolutionary War?

Question #5:

1. The vast majority of Africans fighting in the Revolutionary War sided with the British, yet textbooks seldom note this. Instead, textbook authors, African and white alike, tend to give readers the impression that most Africans fought for the colonists. What do you feel explains this?

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