Read Angwin’s “Why I’m Unfriending You on Facebook” and Foer’s “How Not to Be Alone.” Both discuss the effects of technology on interpersonal relationships, togetherness, empathy, and self-identity. Both are also, at heart, causal analysis essays as the

For English class. Must be 300+ words must cite work. Read Angwin’s “” and Foer’s “.”  Both discuss the effects of technology on interpersonal relationships, togetherness, empathy, and self-identity.  Both are also, at heart, causal analysis essays as they posit technology as having an immediate and indelible effect on all of these areas of human experience.  Your challenge this week is to read the articles, determine the thesis for both articles, identify two causes that both author’s state in common to support their claims, and two causes that are unique to either article.  Your initial post should be approximately 300 words and be up by Wednesday night at 11:59pm. Note for myself: PD DQ Week 5

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