Entry 4 – Maps Explain the World
It should be very clear to you at this point in the course that maps are valuable tools for visually displaying information. They are the primary way that geographers tell a story about some geographic phenomenon, whether it is cultural patterns, population changes, environmental processes, settlement patterns, et cetera. It is now your turn to show off your map interpretation skills! In this journal entry, you will explore the wealth of information available to you online from credible news organizations and other sources of visual information, and locate a map that you think is particularly interesting and relevant to human geography. Include the following content in your journal entry:
A link to the map, and a 1-2 sentence description of the maps source (1 point)
A short (1-2 paragraph) description of the maps topic. (1 point)
Your critique of the maps design – Is it easy to read, and why or why not? Is it visually interesting, and why or why not? Is there something about the maps design that you think should be improved? (3 points)
A discussion of how this map is useful for representing and explaining the geographic phenomena that is its topic. What do we see on the map that might be more difficult to represent in writing or in some other visual form (for example, a chart)? (3 points)
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