If you made a $6,000 deposit in each bank, how much more money would you earn from your second city bank account at the end of 9 years?

Deadline: 2015-11-07 12:37 PM
Time left: 2 days 13h 55m

Status : available

Number of pages: 1
Cost per page: $5.00
Total: $5.00
Created: 2015-11-04 10:25 PM Level: College Grade: Guaranteed 2:1 Standard (Normal Charge);
Pages: 1 Style: MLA Country: [USA (GMT -5)]
Sources: 1 Language Style: English (U.S.)
Project description
just need you to answer/solve these questions. thanks.
1) Simple interest vs compound interest: first city bank pays 7 percent simple interest on its saving account balances, whereas second city bank pays 7 percent interest compounded annually. If you made a $6,000 deposit in each bank, how much more money would you earn from your second city bank account at the end of 9 years?
2) Calculating future values: for each of the fallowing, compute the future value:

Present value years interest rate future value
$ 2,250 11 13%
8,752 7 9
76,355 14 12
183,796 8 6

3) Calculating present values: You have just received notification that you have won the $1 million first prize in the centennial lottery. however, the prize will be awarded on your 100Th birthday ( assuming you are around to collect) 80 years from now. What is the present value of your windfall if the appropriate discount rate is 9 percent?

4) Present value and multiple cash flows: Wainright co. has identified an investment project with the following cash flows. If the discount rate is 10%, what is the present value of these cash flows? what is the present value at 18%? at 24%?

Year Cash flow

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