Identify the types of credit that you will use as you develop your budget and financial plan.

– Explain the cost of credit.

– Determine the sources of credit available (where can you get credit, advantages and disadvantages of the types).

– Identify the types of credit that you will use as you develop your budget and financial plan (what types and why).

Submitted by kim woods on Mon, 2015-11-02 10:39
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Running Head: FINANCE 1

xxxxxxx x


xxxxxxx’x Name:


xxxxxxxx the role xxxx xxxxxxxxx plays in xxxx personal xxxxxxxxx plan. Also, the xxx of xxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx role in a xxxxxxxx financial plan. Describe the xxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxx xx credit xxx explain xxx you will use it as xxxx of xxxx financial xxxxx Specifically xxxxxxx xxx following xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

– Explain xxx xxxx the government xxxxx in personal finance (focus on regulations, laws, economic policy, xxxx

The government creates and regulates xxxxxx Individuals make their cash xxxxxxx working. They xxxxxxxx profit from the same xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx government xxxxx back to tax. Hence, xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx personal xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx connected. Laws xxx enacted xx xxx government xxxx xxx xxxx of making everybody xxxxxxxxx The xxxxxxxxxx xx the United States xxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxx taxes. However, since xxxx person has some income xxxxxx xxxxx existence, the xxxxx xx xxxxxx becomes the mainly xxxxxxxxx for personal financial planning. xxxx federal and state income xxxxx are xxx key players in xxx individual’x personal finances. Approximately xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx their xxxxxx income xx paid xx xxx xxxxxxx American xx xxxxxx

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