Identified seven potential risks along with a plan if a risk occurs.

ite a detailed change management plan covering the following:

Identify two reorganizational changes and their impact on the team.
Offer suggestions and strategies for managing the change including:
Two ways to communicate the reorganization plans with the team
Two ways to gain buy-in from the team
Two ways to deal with resistance from the team
Two ways you will lead and motivate your team through the change
Identify two specific ways you will inform your supervisor of plans and progress.
Identify five action items required in order to implement the change.
Identify seven potential risks along with a plan of the action to take if a risk occurs. Explain your solutions.

Give reasons and examples from your selected resources in support of your assertions.

Write a 5–6-page paper in Word format. Be sure to include your filled-in Change Management Plan template. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

By Monday, November 2, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Identified two reorganizational changes and their impacts on the team. Justify your responses.
Suggested two ways of how you can communicate the reorganization plans with the team. Include your justification.
Suggested two ways to gain buy-in from your team. Include your justification.
Suggested two ways to deal with resistance from the team. Include your justification.
Suggested two ways you will lead and motivate your team through the change. Include your justification.
Identified two ways you will communicate the plans and progress to your supervisor. Justify your decision.
Identified five action items required in order to implement the change. Justify your response.
Identified seven potential risks along with a plan if a risk occurs. Justify your solutions.

Writing Components:

Organization (16)

usage and mechanics (16)

APA elements (24)

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