Vital to the process of collecting data is the continual alignment to your research question(s). Equally important is how you will systematically collect multiple sources of data and present the finding to arise at comprehensive conclusions at the termination of your study. The quality of your data analysis is a strong predictor of the ease with which you can manage the data but how you can develop sound findings at the end of your study. Consider: How will you triangulate this information? How will you continue to build upon this information in order to make sense and correlate your data to your outcomes?
The focus of this assignment is to reflect on the data and to prepare for how to analyze in order to answer the research question. We want to answer the question of “So what?” (Mills, 2014, p.132) This is a critical stage of your action research! In this assignment, you evaluate the main themes emerging from your data thus far and how they are or are not supporting your research questions. For example, depending on what you are seeing in the data, you may have assessed that your research question should have been stated in a slightly different manner in order to more authentically capture the specific data. Or, perhaps the data tells you that one of your questions was irrelevant or that an additional question with a slightly different focus should have been asked.
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