which you:
Research the culture of an organization that you are familiar with. Next, what kind of employee would prefer to work at that organization and why?
How does the organization attract new employees?
As an HR Staffing Specialist, how would you apply the ASA Framework to your organization?
Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated on the following points:
Precision – Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
Clarity – Is the writing clear and the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of response to the questions, or are excessive use of quotations how thoughts are conveyed? Are headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages?
Breadth – Is the full breadth of the subject addressed?
Depth – Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth?
Grammar, spelling and vocabulary – Is the paper written well – is the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary suitable to graduate level work?
Referencing (citations and references) – Does the paper use citations and quotation marks when appropriate?
Critical thinking – Is the subject thought about critically, i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
De Cooman, Rein; Gieter, Sara De; Pepermans, Roland; Hermans, Sabrina; Bois, Cindy Du; Caers, Ralf; Jegers, Marc. (2009). Person–organization fit: Testing socialization and attraction–selection–attrition hypotheses. Journal of Vocational Behavior, ISSN 0001-8791, 2009, Volume 74, Issue 1, pp. 102 – 107.
Schaubroeck, John; Ganster, Daniel C; Jones, James R (1998). Organization and Occupation Influences in the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Process. Journal of Applied Psychology, ISSN 0021-9010, 12/1998, Volume 83, Issue 6, pp. 869 – 891.
Ployhart, Robert E; Weekley, Jeff A; Baughman, Kathryn. (2006). The Structure and Function of Human Capital Emergence: A Multilevel Examination of the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model. The Academy of Management Journal, ISSN 0001-4273, 08/2006, Volume 49, Issue 4, pp. 661 – 677.
Lonnie Golden; Julia R Henly; Susan Lambert. (2013). Work Schedule Flexibility: A Contributor to Happiness? Journal of Social Research & Policy, ISSN 2067-2640, 12/2013, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 10-41.

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