How could the topic of this article apply to your personal or professional life?

For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review. Use the databases within the CSU Online Library, or use another source that contains peer-reviewed articles. The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice reviewing articles that contribute to the industry. The authors of these articles are researchers and professionals who have shared or experimented with ideas that demonstrate potential to improve the industry.

As a professional in the industry, it is in your best interest to review the literature and trends. This provides you with the opportunity to read about what was successful and how it was accomplished. In addition, this assignment allows you to analyze what was unsuccessful, how you can improve it, or at least how you can avoid repeating the mistakes of others. You can use these skills to contribute to research papers and other scholarly writings.

As you read the article you choose for this assignment, consider the following questions:

 How could the topic of this article apply to your personal or professional life?

How could it apply to an organization you have observed?

The article you choose must meet the following requirements:

 be peer reviewed

 relate to the concepts within this course (Try to choose an article that contributes to your research paper.)

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