Explain what you think the optimal solution would be from the point of view of each stakeholder.

Answer the following questions .

The length of your paper should be no less than 5 but not more than 10 pages. Project 1

Stakeholders are defined in the text as “all the people who stand to gain or lose by the policies and activities of a business and whose concerns the businesses need to address”

Consider the following stakeholders:

Elected Officials

Based on the assigned Apple article answer the following questions:

1. Outline the major issues that could be of interest to each stakeholder.

2. Explain what you think the optimal solution would be from the point of view of each stakeholder.

3. Use the stakeholder analysis framework( Chapter 1 slide 16) and identify where each stakeholder would fall in the quadrants. Outline the appropriate strategy Apple can use to deal with each stakeholder. See the attatchment artical
application/pdf iconapple_case.pdf

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