Explain the background to the research: definition of research .


Aim and Objectives (What do you intend to do?)
(state the general research aim and measurable objectives and explain why they are important in the context of the research- 100 words )

Research Context (Why do you wish to do this?)
Explain the background to the research: definition of research area / boundaries; subject area context maximum 500 – 1000 words)

Proposed Methodology (How do you propose to do this?)(key methods)
(explain, and justify, the proposed research methodology: nature of data required and collection methods linked to your research objectives maximum 250 words)

Resources Required (What will you need?)
(explain any resources that you will need in order to meet the projects objectives. Examples include materials, Equipment, Software Tools, etc.)

References and Bibliography
(provide a list of references of material, collected to date, using the Harvard referencing system, aim for a minimum of 10 sources no word limit)

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