Project description
I need to write an argumentative paper with RELIABLE SOURCES from .org or .edu NO wikipedia or .com sources MUST RELIABLE. Below is the outline I want you to use as a guideline. I have the first two paragraphs and intro written but they could be fixe up. I will upload my half rough draft separately with all the WORKS CITED I WANT YOU TO USE-ONLY USE MY WORKS CITED- as well as below is the outline guideline:
Here is my topic: Early College High School
Here is my thesis (Which I am for): U.S. high school students who engage in early college high school courses are more likely to have early success in college.
guideline Outline for Argument Paper
It seems absurd for me to predict how much space you will need for each section, so I am just going to show you 2 alternate structures you could use, and you can just use a separate piece of paper to fill in your information. There are many ways to write a strong argumentative essay. This is just one suggestion to help you organize your thoughts. But the key elements that make a strong argumentative essay remain the same, and they should all be present in your paper regardless of the format you chose to follow.
I. Point Counterpoint
Introduction (in no particular order):
Explain important background information about the issue
Briefly introduce the main points your paper will cover
Hook the reader
Supporting point 1:
Topic sentence (introduces the information in the following paragraph and supports thesis at same time)
Concession (what would the other side say about this point?)
Your rebuttal to the other side (explain why they are wrong)
Supporting point 2:
Topic sentence (introduces the information in the following paragraph and supports thesis at same time)
Concession (what would the other side say about this point?)
Your rebuttal to the other side (explain why they are wrong)
Supporting point 3:
Topic sentence (introduces the information in the following paragraph and supports thesis at same time)
Concession (what would the other side say about this point?)
Your rebuttal to the other side (explain why they are wrong)
(You may need more than 3 supporting points, it depends on your argument)
Summarize all of the main points in a way that is not redundant
Reiterate your thesis in a way that is not redundant
Prove why this argument is important
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