Do we let them ease their pain by ending their lives prematurely?

Assisted Suicide Law

According to the Los Angeles Times Newspaper, Governor Jerry Brown just signed a bill saying that assisted suicide is now legal in California. This bill will allow mentally capable people who have terminal illnesses to choose when to end their lives. In my own opinion, this is one of the biggest moral dilemmas in the world today. Do we let people suffer through illnesses that they feel they won’t recover form? Or,Do we let them ease their pain by ending their lives prematurely? Personally, I would let them choose as long as they were mentally capable of making their own decisions. During a poll in May 2015, 68 percent of Americans were for euthanasia of terminally ill citizens. I believe that the Governor of California has made a very utilitarianism based approach by going with the majority decision here. If it will make the majority of America and the terminally ill happy to see their wishes granted and pain ended then why not pass the law? Under the LA times link is a video of a woman who wished to die under this new law.


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