Discuss why these strategies were selected. Specifically, what are the anticipated benefits?

Supervisory Roles and Theories of Motivation Paper

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These are the requirements for this assignment: The reading reference is Chapter 7

Review objectives from Week 4, notes from class, and “The Supervisory Process” in Ch. 7 of Management of Human Service Programs.

Write a 1,050- to 1,100-word paper that presents how key elements of the supervisory process are influenced by theories of motivation. Consider how this information may be applied within the Learning Team’s ideal organization.

Clarify the salient roles of the supervisor who draws from an empowerment approach to achieve organizational effectiveness.
Provide a brief overview of the theories of motivation presented in the textbook that will work best in the development of you ideal organization.
Discuss why these strategies were selected. Specifically, what are the anticipated benefits? What are the anticipated challenges?
Identify how the principles of motivation will be applied in an empowerment environment.
Explain how motivation theory supports an organizational culture wherein clients play the role of collaborative, active participants in agency decision-making processes.

Format your report consistent with APA guidelines.

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