Describe the different methods of passing-by-value, passing-by-reference, and passing-by-pointer.

Control Statements, Arrays, and Functions

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Week 3

PRG 218 Control Statements, Arrays, and Functions

You will Write eight assignment 70- to 100-word response to the following:

1 Supporting Activity: If Statements

What are some practical applications of if statements? How does an if statement in programming relate to logical decision making? Cite a specific example


2 Supporting Activity: Loops

What are some practical applications of loops? Why are loops used in programming?

3 Supporting Activity: Functions

What advantages do functions offer you as a programmer? Under what circumstances do you use functions in an actual program? Cite specific examples

4 Supporting Activity: Passing-by

Describe the different methods of passing-by-value, passing-by-reference, and passing-by-pointer. Provide a simple example. What do they have in common? How are they different?

5 Ch. 3, of Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2012

Write a program that reads numbers from cin and then sums them, stopping when 0 has been entered. Construct three versions of this program, using the while, do-while, and for loops

6 Ch. 3, of Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2012

Write a program to read characters from the keyboard and count the vowels. Stop counting when a Q (or a q) is

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