Describe of Capital Investment Process methods which do not use present values.


Forum Topic Responses: One comprehensive forum topic is assigned weekly. Students are required to research the forum topic, using a minimum of 1 reference source in addition to text book, and then compile a 250-word response to the forum topic no later than Day 3 of the week. (APA format required. Also submit through Written Assignments for grading.)

Comprehensive, forum topic response contributions will be critically graded on the thought quality of the response, work effort, research, and analysis. The quality of the post needs to be professional in nature and content. In order to achieve this, keep in mind the importance of correct spelling and word usage. Your computer may automatically correct a misspelled word, but the word used to replace your mistake may not be the word you intended to use. The result of your work will not be professional!

Warren, C., Reeve, J., & Duchac, J. (2016). Accounting 26e. ISBN: 9781305757325

Book we are using in class: Warren, C., Reeve, J., & Duchac, J. (2016). Accounting 26e. ISBN: 9781305757325 Need 1 reference from the book
Pick one of the following listed below to use to write the forum topic. Make sure you use the attached chapters for your reference and add one additional outside reference.

1. Describe the Performance Evaluation Process Using Variances from Standard Costs along with the advantages and disadvantages for the process. Research the internet to support your discussion.

2. Describe of Capital Investment Process methods which do not use present values. What are the positive and negatives of this method? Research the internet to support your discussion.

3. Describe of Capital Investment Process methods which use present values. What are the positive and negatives of this method? Research the internet to support your discussion.

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