Create a PowerPoint presentation to explain to your class and your instructor the key features of AIU’s intellipath adaptive learning system. The topic for this presentation will be the key items that are necessary to know about intellipath to be successful in class. The adaptive learning intellipath system has many exciting and important features to enhance your learning experience. This PowerPoint presentation should answer some or all of the following questions:
•What is adaptive learning?
•What is the purpose of “Determine Knowledge”?
•How does intellipath enhance learning?
•How is the intellipath grade determined?
•What are other important features of intellipath ? Your PowerPoint presentation will answer each of these questions and explain how intellipath helps students learn. Use the Notes feature of PowerPoint to create your presentation script, which describes the features and explains why each feature might be important.Include each of the following features in your presentation:
•Clip art
•A transition effect (choose Slide Effect from the Transition tab)
•A fade-in effect (a sentence or object can fade into the presentation)
•A screenshot image You can choose where you use them, but make sure to use each one at least one time.Create your PowerPoint presentation by adhering to the following steps:
•Step 1: Create a new PowerPoint presentation. The following is the required format and the order of what should be presented. Use no more than 2 slides for any 1 question. Use the Notes feature to present your written script for each slide.
•Step 2: Slide 1 is the cover slide and should only include your name, class, and section number.
•Step 3: Slides 2–3 will cover adaptive learning.
•Step 4: Slides 4–5 will cover Determine Knowledge.
•Step 5: Slides 6–7 will cover knowledge enhancement.
•Step 6: Slides 8–9 will cover intellipath grading.
•Step 7: Slides 10–11 will cover other intellipath features.
•Step 8: Include clip art, transition, and fade-in somewhere in presentation
•Step 9: Save this completed PowerPoint presentation file as (your last name_your first name)_U3_IP.pptx in your COMP102 subfolder (e.g., Doe_John_U3_IP.pptx).
•Step 10: Submit this file to your Week 3 Individual Project area. For more information on creating PowerPoint presentations, please visit the PowerPoint Lab in the AIU Learning Center.Please submit your assignment.This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided here.For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.Grading:
Steps 1–2:
•Create a new PowerPoint presentation as directed with the specific formatting required.
•Create Slide 1 according to the provided guidelines.
Step 3:
•Create Slides 2–3 that cover adaptive learning as directed.
Step 4:
•Create Slides 4–5 that cover Determine Knowledge as directed.
Step 5:
•Create Slides 6–7 that cover knowledge enhancement as directed.
Step 6:
•Create Slides 8–9 that cover intellipath grading as directed.
Step 7:
•Create Slides 10–11 that cover other intellipath features as directed.
Step 8:
•Include clip art, transition, and fade-in as directed in the presentation.
Steps 9–10:
•Save document with the file name as directed.
•Submit the file.
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