Briefly describes how and why the decision was made to pursue an MBA.

Develop a three- to five-page analysis (excluding the title and reference pages) on the projected return on investment for your college education and projected future employment. This analysis will consist of two parts.

Part 1: Describe how and why you made the decision to pursue an MBA. In the description, include calculations of expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision.

Part 2: Analyze your desired occupation. Determine how much compensation (return) you expect to earn and how long will it take to pay back the return on this investment. Use the financial formulas, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback, provided in Chapters 3 and 4 of your text. Desired Occupation- Business Manager

The analysis should be comprehensive and reference specific examples from a minimum of two scholarly sources, in addition to your text. The paper must be formatted according to APA.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Describes How and Why the Decision was Made to Pursue an MBA

Total: 3.00

Distinguished – Comprehensively describes how and why the decision was made to pursue an MBA. Includes detailed calculations of expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision.

Proficient – Describes how and why the decision was made to pursue an MBA. Includes the calculations of expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision. Minor details are missing.

Basic – Briefly describes how and why the decision was made to pursue an MBA. Includes partial calculations of expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision. Relevant details are missing.

Below Expectations – Minimally describes how and why the decision was made to pursue an MBA. Does not include sufficient calculations of both the expenses and opportunity costs related to that decision. Significant details are missing.

Non-Performance – The description how and why of the decision was made to pursue an MBA is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

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