Journal Article Search, Obesity
For this homework, you are to search for one specific academic journal article on the topic of any topic published from the years 2014 or 2015, give a brief synopsis, and include a properly formatted APA citation.
3 things (3pts total) (-1 pt if not from 2014 or 2015)
1) Briefly describe the article in a paragraph, must be in your own words, do not rework sentence from an abstract!
2) Briefly describe what impacts this research has on every day life.
3) APA citation of the article
1) CT scans are a medical imaging procedure to give pictures of internal organs. Scans have been done for a long time on people who smoke, and can detect emphysema which may lead to lung cancer. CT scans were done on non-smokers and those with detections of emphysema also had a higher chance of developing lung cancer.
2) This research notes the importance of detecting emphysema in all people, smokers and non-smokers, for it is an important predictor of lung cancer.
3) Henschke, C. I., Yip, R., Boffetta, P., Markowitz, S., Miller, A., Hanaoka, T., … & I-ELCAP Investigators. (2015). CT screening for lung cancer: Importance of emphysema for never smokers and smokers. Lung Cancer, 88(1), 42-47.
** Sciencedaily.com is a good place to search for current research. If you use this source, be sure to find the journal reference to the article and cite that article, not the science daily summary**
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