Are there specific places such as an ancestral home or particular hometown that members of the family relate to in order to find a sense of rootedness?

Culture and Speech Communities-Significant Symbols and Communication Norms

7. Is a language other then English used in your household? If so-what language(s) are spoken?

8. What are some examples of nonverbal communication that you can trace to your culture? For instance attitudes of what is required, expected or desirable nonverbal expressiveness, or rules that govern nonverbal behavior.

9. How does your family trace its roots? Is there, for instance, a story about how members of your family came to the U.S. or are there important historical events that led your family’s decision to immigrate? Are there specific places such as an ancestral home or particular hometown that members of the family relate to in order to find a sense of rootedness?

10. How does your culture teach you to relate to people in other communities? For instance, are there rules or expectations about how to relate to people outside of your own community?

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