- Typical income statement assumption information requirements. Initial investment
- What types of revenue will be generated from the capital investment? Will insurance reimburse? If so, discuss the impact of the various reimbursements (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, private, or self-pay).
- How many services will be offered to produce the revenue (by month)? Look at patient days.
- How much labor will be required (FTEs)?
- What will the labor cost?
- How many (and what types of) supplies and/or devices will be required to offer the service?
- What will the supplies, drugs, and/or devices cost?
- How much space will be required? Are renovation costs involved?
- What will the required space occupancy cost?
- What is the life of the equipment (if applicable) and the cost of maintaining the equipment?
- Cash flows:
- Payback period
- Internal rate of return
- Assume discount rate of 8% and 6% respectively for comparison purposes.
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