ACCOUNTING 2102 – MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING WRITING ASSIGNMENT (SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE CHECK ICOLLEGE) DUE DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2015 GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. The writing assignment should be approximately three pages in length (double-spaced), 12 point fonts. 2. You may discuss the writing assignment with your friends. In fact, I think that this discussion can cause additional learning and understanding. Each person should write the assignment on an individual basis. 3. The assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document in the assignment section of ICollege. POINT PENALTIES 1. The paper should be submitted in the Dropbox located in the Assessment section of ICollege. 2. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED. 3. If the paper has writing problems, you can lose points on the basis of the writing. Please use spell check and check your grammar before submitting. 4. Plagiarism content should be 10% or less. THE ASSIGNMENT Complete a critique based on one of these books. Please make your book selection and inform me no later than October 8. Only FIVE students per book and the first come first assigned. BOOK NAME AUTHOR 1 The End of Charity: Time for Social Enterprise Nic Frances 2 Business Planning for Enduring Social Impact: A Social-Entrepreneurial Approach to Solving Social Problems Andrew Wolk & Kelly Kreitz 3 How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas David Bornstein 4 Building Social Business: The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs Muhammad Yunus 5 Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know David Bornstein 6 The Responsible Company: What We’ve Learned From Patagonia’s First 40 Years Yvon Chouniard & Vincent Stanley Requirements: Your critique should include all of these items: 1. The name of book 2. Author 3. What are the strengths and/or weaknesses of this book? 4. Is this new information to you; was it interesting, did you learn something new? 5. Does this book give you new insights for your career choices? 6. What is social entrepreneurship and how can you apply it to your career choice? 7. Your opinion on the subject and how it has influenced or not influenced you in your career choice 8. Conclusion Your goal is to analyze the book based on your interpretation of service learning and how your current knowledge of accounting could be used as not to merely summarize the book conten
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