Each class member will conduct an article analysis on (1) article about Poverty and Learning, Closing Opportunity Gaps, Meeting the Students Where They Are, Interventions That Work or Social Responsibility. Students are expected to use the Article Analysis format to complete the assignment in narrative form. Articles will be discussed in class. All article critiques must be typed. For guidelines and examples of how to reference using APA, go to the Purdue University’s “The Owl at Purdue”: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01
Your Name _________________________ Instructor ________________________
Reference citation sample for article selected:
Kea, C.D. (2009). Connecting rural African American families with differentiated home learning instruction for their preschoolers. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 28(4), 10-20. Place your article author and title here.
In your own words, describe the issue(s) explored in this article. Include information about the population affected by the issue, and whether the issue is social, economic, or academic. Please write/type 2 paragraphs or 10 complete sentences for your response.
How does the issue impede student success in the urban classroom? What challenges does it present for educators of urban students? Please write/type 2 paragraphs or 10 complete sentences for your response.
What recommendations does the author(s) suggest for meeting the challenges of the issue and promoting student success? Please write/type 2 paragraphs or 10 complete sentences for your response.
Reflecting over your own personal experiences or what you have learned in the Urban Schools class, how can you relate to the issues highlighted in the article? Or what challenges do you foresee in relating to this issue? Please write/type 2 paragraphs or 10 complete sentences for your response.
What are five key points you are taking away from this article related to the challenges of urban schools and your role as an educator? Please write/type 2 paragraphs or 10 complete sentences for your response.

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