How do you plan to enter the acadmic conversation?

A tentative title for your project. The title should not restate the paper’s topic (e.g., “Logging in the Northwest” or “Cat Ladies). It should suggest your plan to enter the conversation, signal your position in the debate/discussion, or in some way give readers of a hint of your research purpose.
A description of your research question. How did you get interested in the subject? In what field or academic conversation you working?
A description of your research purpose. How do you plan to enter the acadmic conversation? What do you plan to accomplish with your research ?
An overview of the research you’re done so far. What had your research shown you? What questions have you answered?
A plan for completion of the project. What research must you do to complete your project? Can you complete the research in the time that remains in the term?
Part TWO: A Working Annotated Bibliography
Choose five scholarly pieces using the MLA formatting and citation style, each with critical annotations.
One source must be a peer-reviewed academic journal article.
The other four sources need from “academic” sources (such as newspapers with a vigorous editorial process, books, textbooks, and encyclopedias)
This section will also feature a detailed annotation, or a paragraph summary (or a descriptive annotation) and paragraph evaluation (Evaluative annotation) of each source (243).

GRADING (150 Points)

Part One: Proposal (40 Points)- This section should be at least three paragraphs and will be evaluated on how clearly, yet throughly each of the following elements are discussed:
Plan of Completion
Part Two: A Working Annotated Bibliography (100 Points total, 20 points pass/fail for each source)— Each source must contain an MLA citation, a summary paragraph, and an evaluation paragraph.
Source One (Peer Reviewed Journal Article) (20 Points P/F)
MLA citation
Evaluation (How does the source answer your research question?)
Source Two (20 Points P/F)
MLA citation
Evaluation (How does the source answer your research question?)
Source Three (20 Point P/F)
MLA citation
Evaluation (How does the source answer your research question?)
Source Four (20 Points P/F)
MLA citation
Evaluation (How does the source answer your research question?)
Source Five (20 Points P/F)
MLA citation
Evaluation (How does the source answer your research question?)
Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation (10 Points). This proposal/bibliography should be free of obvious grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The key to successfully completing this section is to proof-read your writing.

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