Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.
Click here to access American Rhetoric’s Top 100 speeches.
Select the link for the top 100 speeches.
Select and listen to 2 speeches.
While listening, critique the speeches using the following guidelines;
Speech #1
How did the speaker gain the audience’s attention?
Explain the topic and purpose of the speech.
Describe any facts or explanations given to support the speaker’s argument or topic of discussion.
Evaluate the speaker’s delivery. Explain how the speaker used their voice to show enthusiasm, or to emphasize information while speaking.
Discuss how the speaker transitioned to the conclusion.
Identify where you feel the speaker did well.
Express any improvements the speaker could have made.
Speech #2
How did the speaker gain the audience’s attention?
Explain the topic and purpose of the speech.
Describe any facts or explanations given to support the speaker’s argument or topic of discussion.
Evaluate the speaker’s delivery. Explain how the speaker used their voice to show enthusiasm, or to emphasize information while speaking.
Discuss how the speaker transitioned to the conclusion.
Identify where you feel the speaker did well.
Express any improvements the speaker could have made.
Please submit your assignment.
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