csc425 slp 3

The Beta version should address the following requirements:

The application should match the design created earlier in the course with the exception of any changes required to address problems or conform to a revised timeline.
All functionality should be operational, although some problems may be present
Connections to outside components should be functioning at the complete level required to support program functionality.
The visual interface should be complete.
There should complete functionality with the required database for the project.
All code should be well-documented with comments.
The program should run without significant errors.
Include a document called operation.docxthat describes how to operate the application.
This document should provide sufficient information to allow the instructor to set up and operate the application.
Identify any external system requirements
Key parts of the application should be identified (i.e., tell the instructor where to find the important parts of the application and changes that have been made since the last submission).
Include a section called STATUS with a summary of the current status of your project including work performed since the last submission, problems encountered and how they will be addressed. Be sure to contact your instructor if you need help addressing any issues.
ZIP all required project files and documents together and submit for grading.

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